Episode Two

Who are you following and what are you allowing to influence you?

The reality is that before we can consider making any kind of impact on our surroundings, it is much more important to consider who we are being led by. Often following the way of Jesus can look like foolishness, even waste, to the world, but we actually think this is the key thriving in any season of life. In episode two we turn attention to the weight of the seemingly insignificant choices that make up our daily lives.



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This episode touched on themes from Volume One of our collection More Than Just A Degree - make sure to pick up your copy of CAMPUS and listen to the Episode Two of the podcast where we sat down with four students to get their perspectives on what kind of people they wanted to become at uni…




In this related episode, we named our heroes, from Jim Carey to NBA Superstars, discussed culture’s idolisation of “cool”, and what might it look like to follow Jesus on Campus, even when we come up short…


Episode One


Episode Three